Text & SMS Commands

Text & SMS Commands

Sending Text Messages to Arvest Bank for Mobile Banking

Where do I send my account inquiries?

Send your text message to Arvest Bank using shortcode 36272. Note: please add Arvest Bank [36272] to your contact list for easy access.

How long does it take to get a response message via Mobile Text/SMS Banking?

You will usually receive a text message response in less than a minute. Exact timing will depend on your mobile service provider. If you have not received a message within 3-5 minutes, please retry your text command.

Is Mobile Text/SMS Banking case-sensitive?

No. Whether you type “BAL” or “bal”, we will send your account balance to you via text message.

Does Arvest Bank offer shortcuts so I can access my information more quickly?

Absolutely! We’ve built some helpful shortcuts into Arvest’s Mobile Text/SMS Banking service so you can easily access your account information quickly, securely and when you need it most.

Here is a list of shortcuts for Arvest Bank's Mobile Text/SMS Banking:

Shortcut Descr
BAL Receive account balances.

Available balance for deposit accounts is the current balance of the account plus pending credits minus any holds or pending debits.
BAL [nickname] - Receive the balance of the nicknamed account. Example: bal chk1
HIST [nickname] - Returns the history for that account. Example: hist chk1
LAST Returns a list of your most recent transactions posted.
LAST [nickname] - Returns the most recent transactions for that account. Example: last chk1
TRA [from acct nickname 1] [to acct nickname2] [amount] - Transfers funds between two accounts. Example: tra chk1 sav 25
ATM [zipcode] - Returns a list of the bank's nearby ATMs. Example: atm 94949
Branch [zipcode] - Returns a list of the bank's nearby branch locations. Example: branch 94949
HELP Returns a list of top-level commands and customer service info
MENU Returns a list of available SMS commands

Learn more about Arvest Mobile Banking